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What is iCOSM CODE and How It Can Benefit New Vapes | VOOPOO

2023-10-17 interests

Touch base with us on our new vape technology, the iCOSM CODE. It can be your newest upgrade or starter kit that combines technology with long-lasting hygiene.

The iCOSM CODE Experience

How customisable is your vape? With the iCOSM CODE, you can interpret a groundbreaking solution for the best vape in UK.

The VOOPOO iCOSM Flavour Interpretation Code (iCOSM CODE) tackles the solution to the most prevalent issue in the vape community and brings the ultimate flavour experience. This makes it an optimal choice as a starter kit. Why did we name it iCOSM? Because we guarantee;

Clean Experience

Original Freshness

Smooth Airflow

Multiple Interpretations

Anti Bacterial Growth

In development of the iCOSM CODE, we went a step further by preserving your new vapes’ E-liquids in mint condition. This is done by coating the entire cartridge with silver ions. Silver ions are known for their antibacterial and antiviral properties. By hitting 2 birds with 1 stone, we achieved the preservation of E-liquid freshness and protection against unwanted microorganisms. Ultimately, it supports optimal flavour in its purest form.

Optimal Airflow Intake

Airflow is another critical aspect of the vaping experience we managed to tackle. Multiple air inlets are integrated at the bottom of the cartridge to create a consistent influx of airflow. The goal is to balance smoothness and satisfaction in your mouthpiece and make E-liquid atomize thoroughly. All those jarring interruptions from air shocks are now out of the equation.

Versatile Application to the Voopoo Family

Perhaps the most exciting aspect of the iCOSM CODE is its ability to provide multiple interpretations of flavour, solely by offering vape coils with different resistances and vapour density. This universal technology allows the iCOSM CODE to adopt a wide application on VOOPOO’s products.

It is fully compatible with the Argus Pod Family, which includes the Argus G, Argus Z, Argus P1, Argus Pod, Argus Pod SE and our newest P1s.

For You and You Only

The iCOSM CODE offers an unparalleled level of customization for your vaping experience. We preserved mint freshness, optimised airflow and provided versatile flavor interpretations. You can take full control of your vape settings and experience the pinnacle of flabvour your vape can offer.

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